Netrika and Background Screening Services in India
- June 8, 2020
- Posted by: Netrika
- Category: Background Check

Discrete background checks during hiring are nowadays a common occurrence in both large and small business offices. The research goes to show that around 85% of large companies and smaller companies conduct background checks. Here are some reasons that have important ramifications in any organization.
Risk management and avoidance of bad hires
There is a plethora of reasons why the parent company prefers to conduct background checks on prospective hires. Among these, the employers are quite conscious about screening candidates for a position in the company. There are negligent hiring issues are increasingly become a trend. Social media also plays a part by posting stories that smack of workplace biases and this has prompted many a corporation to thoroughly do a background check on associates, employees and the management too. Visibility on the Internet means that any slip up is recorded and they reach the global audience. This is a blow to the company in the form of lesser revenues, stock valuations and also the overall image of the company to the public. Hence, background screening services in India are a part of the worldwide endeavor to hire deserving candidates for vacant posts or new ones.
A safe workplace
Quite a few companies conduct background screening in order to keep the organization safe and secured. If hiring is negligent in nature, the Public Relations of the company are negatively affected with a deep revaluation of stock prices. Very often, the disadvantages of bad hiring have a very negative influence on the morale and spirit of co-workers that eat away the productive time of the work assigned. Having background screening lets the recruiter more comfortable in the knowledge that the new hires are above board. In addition, criminal background checks help to identify individuals who may pose a threat to other employees.
Best employees of the day
Clinical background screening with background checks has an effect on the kind of people that the organization hires. Going through strict background checks and emphasis on the best of standards makes older employees feel respected and honored.
Asset protection
If there is a thief or an embezzler who has direct access to the finances of the company, it could sound the death kneel for the organization. Background screening helps to reduce fraud, identity thefts and also smaller thefts like stealing of the company supplies.
Netrika offers discrete background screening services in India. With teams of highly trained professionals who know where to look and how to dig up data, background screening becomes quite a bit easier for the owner of the company. Needless to say, it also provides peace of mind.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Does companies really do background check in India?
Yes, background verification processes are legal in India. However, they must comply with local and national regulations, especially regarding data protection and privacy. Companies typically require candidate consent and adhere to legal provisions when conducting background checks.
Q2. Is background check mandatory in India?
Yes, background verification is mandatory and necessary in India. Read this article to find out why. Employees are the backbone of every successful organization. Each of them makes a significant contribution to the growth and success of the business.
Q3. Does all companies do background check in India?
In India, there is no one size fit approach when it comes to background verification. Different companies conduct background verification in different ways. Big private and mid-sized companies partner with leading third-party background verification companies in India like AuthBridge to do the checks mentioned above.
Q4. How is criminal background check done in India?
The process begins with identity verification, followed by employment history checks by contacting their previous employers. Subsequently, companies examine public databases for criminal records and scrutinize educational records to validate degrees and certificates.
Q5. How does HR do background verification?
Background verification is usually performed by a third-party company, also known as a background check provider, on behalf of the employer. The process typically involves collecting and verifying information from various sources such as government databases, schools, previous employers, and criminal records