Forensic Investigation: Dealing With White Collar Crime

The menace of white-collar crime is on the rise as businesses become more and more global. Having diverse business interests that are spread around the world has made it easier for fraudsters to exploit chinks in the armor and get away with stealing huge sums of money from the very organizations they work for. The larger the network the easier it is for the white-collar criminal to weave deception and make the parent company suffer financially and also with loss of credibility.

A growing business has teams of experts who are skilled in different things; some have skills in finance, stock control, human resources and management among other things. Their expertise is a given bonus to the company but at the same time it is required to be vigilant of its own employees so that fraud does not take place. This task is often not seen to and in the absence of vigilance, white collar crime flourishes. As the business flourishes, control becomes decentralized and this leads to fraud rearing its ugly head.

However, it is impossible to protect a business one hundred percent from the fraudster. A growing business will present numerous opportunities for theft to take place. This is where the process of forensic investigation comes into the picture. Like the fraudster, the forensic investigator spends all his time thinking about fraud and the different ways that money can be extracted from a growing business for individual profit in a crooked manner.

The forensic investigator in India is skilled in technology and also in financial knowhow. He is in a unique position to look at a business from the outside and spot chinks in the armor of the organization. This is why forensic investigations are a key resource for businesses that are entering into mergers or acquisitions so that all records are straight and the entire numbers tally. Using his skill in computers and surveillance, the forensic investigator can point out the areas that need to be surveyed and the individuals that need to be questioned.

A forensic investigator in India will review the whole concern, regardless of how wide spread the fraud is. They develop a feel for the associated risks and point out vulnerabilities to the concerned owners of the business. The skilled fraud investigator focuses on the areas that need attention and they are able to propose ways for the defenses to be shored up. This need not consume a lot of financial resources or manpower and in many cases, the forensic investigator can work with whatever resources he has at his disposal.

There has been a lot of attention paid to anti-fraud controls and still, a criminal can attack and seek out new ways to defraud the company and get away with a lot of money. This is why an expert forensic investigator will think like a criminal and try to get into the mind of the fraudster. He tries to understand how the mind of the criminal works so that he can prevent fraudulent activities from happening in the company.

To know more about forensic investigation in India, you can go through Netrika Consulting India and find out more details.

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